luni, 26 februarie 2018

Party system in Mu Online

Party System

The party is an aspect of MU in which different characters can form a group in the vast world of MU together. Cooperative hunting permit extremely strong kill the monsters that alone would be quite difficult, and through the party, many different characters of different kinds that will help you move forward very quickly.
  • Characters can create your own party starting from level 6.
  • The party can have a maximum of 5 members.
  • You can not create party, if you have higher - level differences 130 (Apartir of Season 2 was turned off this option) .

Request to join a party
party 1 in Mu Online party 2 in Mu Online
Opening the command window by pressing "D" option and select the party to mark the character will be the party
Opening the window by pressing ALT + Quick menu right click on the character select the party option.

Exp table obtained party
leveo levels are affected when you're in a party with a Dark Knight and / or Dark Wizard and / or Fairy Elf. In a game that has these 3 types of different character; his party will receive a bonus of experience.
Number of players
Party General
Special Party
(Dark Knight, Fairy Elf, Dark Wizard)
(Dark Lord, Summoner, Magic Gladiator)
(Dark Lord, Summoner, Rage Fighter)
(Grow Lancer, Dark Wizard, Fairy Elf)
1 player
2 players
3 players
4 players
5 players

Party commands
/ Party (pointing to a player): Create party or invite other players to the existing party.
P: Window opens where the location and party life is.
~ : Send message to the party.

Modified window Party (Apartir of Season 8 Episode 2)

Status buff party members added. NOTE: The debuff does not apply in this window.

Minibar in Mu Online
